Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

I’m getting this one on quickly, because we are supposed to be hit with a major snow/wind storm this weekend. Snow is awesome. We’ve had several days of snow around here and we aren’t done. We are also being hit by pretty cold temps, but not as bad as our families in Wasilla, Alaska and Malta, Montana are having right now. Our first snowfall came on Sunday the 14th. You could barely see the snow coming down, but you could see our neighbor’s roof has some white stuff on it:

Three hours later we had a thin blanket on our front lawn:

My Tuesday Night Bible Study, decided that this past Tuesday (Dec. 16) we would go Christmas Caroling at one of the nursing homes in town. Here’s a great picture of our group. Left to right are Brian (with baby Abee), Mark, Eric, Tom, Nate, Lisa, Michelle, Melissa, Kristin, Sean (in back playing guitar), and Lucas:

After singing, we went back to Brian and Melissa’s for English Muffin Pizzas (I just had an English Muffin with jam though) and then we did a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Here’s some pizza making pics:




Brian and Abee:

Lisa and Abee:

The gift that I brought was very popular with Abee. She loved to hand out the candy to all. Mark opened it first and Eric ended up with in the end:

The next snow we had fell before the morning of December 17th. I got these pictures before work. Backyard picnic table:

Front Yard:

By the time I came home for lunch, we had this much snow on the picnic table:

Lunchtime in the front yard:

We were allowed to go home early Wednesday through Friday, so I took advantage of it. Here’s the picnic table around 5 pm that same afternoon:

I then had some fun and built a small snowman. Our neighbors on both sides of the end of our street built two snowmen and they were much better than mine. It was getting dark and I was working by myself and in a hurry, so I didn’t make it much bigger. Here’s my beautiful work:

Here’s our front yard from the street:

The next evening, i actually went out and measured it. Here’s what it looked like before the measuring. Isn’t it so awesome:

It measured just over 5 inches:

I went to the middle of our backyard to see and it was almost 9 inches there:

Lastly, I went to the front yard and stuck the stick in the middle of the yard:

More pictures from our weekend storm coming soon.....

1 comment:

WAKonings said...

Wowza! And now church is cancelled! Good thing you guys are together in the safety of your own house!!