Saturday, July 28, 2007

July 13-15 Campout

What can you do when people bail on you? Our big Youth Group Campout was supposed to happen July 13-15 and by Thursday morning all of our high schoolers cancelled for various reasons. The Youth Leaders decided that we still wanted to enjoy a weekend of camping and hiking, so we headed out to Lake Cushman (north of Shelton). Tom and Alan went early Friday evening, while Brian, Melissa, and I went up after our softball game (which we lost). Juanita came up on Saturday afternoon with her family. There was a burn ban in effect on Friday, so we missed out on S'mores and campfire stories that night.

Saturday morning we ate and packed lunches for our hikes. It was a grand affair and the guys spent much of their time trying to decide where to go on their hike. Have to say that we never went hungry on this trip. Here's a picture of Brian, Melissa, and Tom preparing their lunches.

The guys decided to conquer Mt. Washington and with Melissa at almost 8 months pregnant and I not having hiked in awhile, we had already decided to head towards Lower Lena Lake. Below is Melissa and I about halfway to the lake.

We ate lunch under the trees on the far side of the lake. Melissa thinks that we were next to the campsite where she and Brian stayed at on a previous trip. Here's the view:

Here's another view of the lake on the way back:

Melissa and I had hiked about 8 miles roundtrip and were happy to get back to camp. The guys had beat us back by a few minutes and we also saw that Juanita and her family had come up. To see more about the guys climb/hike, check out Tom's and Brian's websites (Links are to the right).

Since the burn ban had been lifted, we relaxed around the fire before we enjoyed a dinner of Hobo pies. Here's Dave, Alan, Jakob, and Brian sitting around the fire. The second picture is of the makings used for the Hobo pies.

Dessert was S'mores and doughboys. Dave and Juanita's son Jakob made his first S'more and then Dave taught Brian, Melissa, and I how to make doughboys (we added jam and frosting to ours). They were so good.

Brian, Melissa, and I walked down to the lake, so that Brian could show us where they had climbed today. The first picture is of Mt. Ellinor (on the left) and Mt. Washington (on the right). You have to climb Mt. Ellinor first and then climb over to Mt. Washington. The second picture is a close up of Mt. Ellinor and several of the peaks that they bagged.

Breakfast on Sunday morning was pancakes that were made and served by Dave. He did a great job. Here's Dave at the grill.

Brian and Melissa brought their dog, Matty with us. She went with the guys on their hike and then slept most of the evening and through the night. She was entertaining us after breakfast on Sunday morning. She is in the midst of one of her tricks in the picture below. Brian had placed a piece of pancake on her paw and she is supposed to wait for his command to eat it. She did pretty good at waiting, but once she tasted one, she wasn't so sure she could wait any more.

Brian, Melissa, and I headed back home to get showers in before church (Tom and Alan went back home Saturday evening). Dave and Juanita planned to drive in just before church. All of us did make it to church on time. I was sore since my twice-a-day walks at work aren't this hard. Monday was my most painful day and I still had to work. I was back to full strength by Thursday and I'm ready for another hike.

My 1st Post!!

Welcome to my new blog. I've had several people tell me that I need one, so thanks to some encouragement from Brian, Melissa, and Tom, here is my attempt at a blog.

Don't worry, unlike what my blog name implies, this will not be ALL Mariners, ALL the time. I love my Mariners, but I don't want to bore everyone, plus I'm sure some of you might not care about baseball. You will have to put up with some M's pictures and stories, especially after I go to a game. Of course, when the M's go to the playoffs this year, you may see more M's stuff here.

I want to apologize right now in case this blog ever gets boring for you. I don't think I lead an exciting life, but I've been told that I do. This blog is mainly for sharing my pictures with family and friends. Many people want to see them and I can't print or e-mail them to everyone.

Hope you enjoy this blog. If you don't, I'm sorry and I hope your life is more exciting than mine.

Thanks for visiting and may God Bless You today, tomorrow, and always.