Sunday, September 12, 2010

Two weeks!!!

Two weeks from tonight on Sunday, September 26th, I will have just finished walking 60 miles in the fight against breast cancer. I can’t believe that it’s almost here!! I don’t know how I’ll do, but I know that it will be an amazing journey. I have raised the required minimum donation thanks to many family and friends. I have logged many miles in the last month and a half and now I’m working on figuring out what to pack for my 3 Day journey.

Continue to pray for me as I continue to walk, pack, and start on my 60 mile journey.

Below are some of my favorite pictures from my walks. I haven’t taken many pictures, because I haven’t brought my main camera with me. These are actually all taken with my phone. You can see some group pictures on facebook, but I haven’t figured out how to download and save them on my own computer, so I could post them on here.

Some of our group getting ready to walk near Falls Terrace Restaurant:

The picture below is of our caboose team that is always bringing up the rear during our walks (I'm also in this group). We have some people who are very fast walkers and then there’s the rest of us. :-) To the right is Capital Lake and on the left would be the state capital. From left to right are: Sandi, Blanche, Faye, and Aubrey:

This is the view that we had and the hill that we were going to climb. The path makes its way up the side of the hill with several switchbacks, so it takes a lot longer to walk up than what you think. That is actually two different buildings that you see. The closer building is the Judical Building and then you see the dome of the Capital behind it:

This was a gorgeous lily that we saw on our walk through the South Capital Neighborhood:

On one of our Thursday evening walks, the sun was starting to set and as Blanche and I walked around Capital Lake, this was the awesome scene that was beside us:

On one of our long Saturday walks (this was actually our very hot day too), this was our view as we walked towards Priest Point Park along the Sound: